Create Login Link
Once a Payee has their account connected, you can display a button that will give them access to a simplified Stripe dashboard.
{# Whatever you called your Marketplace Connect Button handle,
# ex. `currentUser.platformConnectButton` #}
{% set fieldHandle = 'platformConnectButton' %}
{% set connectedAccountId = currentUser[fieldHandle] %}
<form target="_blank" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
{{ csrfInput() }}
{{ actionInput('marketplace/accounts/create-login-link') }}
{# This hidden input sends the accountId along to the action #}
{{ input('hidden', 'accountId', connectedAccountId, { id: 'accountId' } )}}
<button type="submit" data-test="connect">Open Dashboard</button>
{% if errorMessage is defined %}
<p>{{ errorMessage }}</p>
{% endif %}
This makes it possible for your Payees to see their payout timing, and a few other Stripe-specific details.
The Stripe Connect Express Dashboard allows for a redirect link. This is used to point back to your platform, and will also be used as a redirect if the user explicitly logs out.
By default, the referring page (ie. the page with your create-login-link
form) will be used as the redirect location.
If you’d like to customise this link, you can add a Craft CMS redirectInput
to the form instead:
{{ redirectInput('/see-you-later') }}
Error Message
If there’s an error when creating the login link, a Flash message will be shown, if these are set up in your templates. An error message can also be provided to the form by using:
{% if errorMessage is defined %}
<p>{{ errorMessage }}</p>
{% endif %}
An error could occur if:
- The account ID doesn’t actually exist on your Stripe account—ex. you are using Live Stripe keys, but now you are trying to access an account connected in Test mode
- There’s an issue reaching the Stripe API
- A user is trying to access an account you’ve revoked from Stripe, but still exists in Craft
- A user is trying to access an account that doesn’t match their own account ID
In any of thse cases, a more detailed error message is logged to the marketplace.log